Kayla Howie

Kayla Howie (b. 2000) is a Cape Town based artist who predominantly works with oil paint, using her own body as a central reference in her work. 
Kayla completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Cape Town in 2023. During her degree, she explored various painting techniques but ultimately focused on oil paintings that depict the fragility and abjection of the body for her final year. 
During this period, she made dean’s merit list for both her third and fourth years. Additionally, she was awarded the painting prize following her graduation. 
Currently, Kayla’s art centers on the theme of bodily fragility. Through her oil paintings, she explores the nuances of skin, depicting both wounded and delicate, unharmed flesh. Her work frequently features portraiture, especially self-portraits, and images of her own body. Through these intimate depictions of fragility and mortality, Kayla aims to create a connection with the viewer, encouraging them to reflect on their own mortality and the nature of their bodies.