Driaan Claassen (b. 1991) in Johannesburg, South Africa is renowned for his deep exploration of the human psyche through intricate and thought-provoking sculptures. His artistic journey began with a fascination for 3D animation, which eventually led to an apprenticeship with the esteemed artist Otto du Plessis at the Bronze Age Foundry. This experience profoundly shaped Claassen’s unique approach, blending traditional craftsmanship with modern technology to create works that are both intellectually engaging and visually compelling.


Working with a diverse range of materials, including wood, wire, and bronze, Claassen’s sculptures seamlessly integrate material innovation with psychological depth. His work reflects a deep fascination with themes of consciousness, order, and chaos, often employing a meticulous combination of ancient techniques and cutting-edge technology. Through this approach, he challenges viewers to contemplate the intricate interplay between the material world and the inner workings of the mind.


Claassen’s sculptures have been showcased in prestigious galleries and art fairs worldwide, including Design Miami, Design Days Dubai, and AIYA Collectible. His solo exhibitions, such as Forms of Silence at AIYA Bureau in 2022, Order and Chaos at EBONY/CURATED in 2021, and Complex Systems at THK Gallery in 2023, and have positioned him as a notable voice among emerging contemporary artists. His innovative exploration of consciousness has earned him residencies at the Villa-Legodi Centre for Sculpture and Quartier am Hafen in Cologne.