Samuel Nnorom: What Tomorrow Holds

25 May - 26 June 2024

What Tomorrow Holds is a solo presentation of Samuel Nnorom’s latest body of work which explores the necessity of human connection.


Nnorom’s meticulously crafted tapestries speak powerfully on the importance of communities. His works are humanist expressions of connection, where individually rounded nodes of Dutch wax fabric and cotton thread are tightly woven into bright, undulating forms. These nodes are illustrative of human bonds, where individual forms merge into a collective whole. 


His artworks stand as social portraits of town halls and imaginations of tomorrow, optimistic representations of human connectedness in contrast to our difficult world. The use of Dutch wax fabrics call to centuries of trade between Europe and Africa for this commodity, yet connect to the artist’s memories of colourful scraps in his mother’s tailoring workshop in Nigeria. Nnorom’s textile pieces point to his individual experience, national heritage while taking on continental formations, devoid of equators and provinces.