Open Plot
Alex Coetzee | Nonzuzo Gxekwa | Oliver Hambsch | Jeanne Hoffman | Bella Knemeyer | Pardon Mapondera | Mikhailia Petersen | Jonah Sack | Ben Stanwix | Xhanti Zwelendaba -
THK is pleased to present Open Plot, a group exhibition curated by RESERVOIR.
The title plays on the double meaning of ‘plot’, both as a narrative device and a designation of space. The exhibition considers a selection of ten artists’ work against the conceptual backdrop of a vacant plot: exploring questions around distance, design, and the memory of the landscape. These spaces are often in some stage of rewilding, with transitory inhabitants adding to the texture and sediment.Open Plot is an offering of open-endedness: as a reflection on place, latent space, and the charged ambiguities of overlapping storylines.